COVID-19 Springfield, Missouri

COVID-19 - Springfield, Missouri

Preparing to support children in our community

photo by Chase Snider

photo by Chase Snider


Ready to answer the call if we need….

As new guidance is issued from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and The White House there is a strong likelihood more local schools may close. In fact, within the last few hours the state’s largest school district, Springfield Public Schools, joined dozens of others in canceling classes for next couple weeks.

I am greatly concerned about the impact on feeding students, especially those most vulnerable in the free/reduced lunch program.

The last two days I have been reaching out to local community leaders and business owners to start a conversation of how we can lead an effort to serve those kids if a need is identified.

That could include anything from stepping up to provide funding/raising funds to support existing models or activating an operational model to provide meals directly.

It could be that the need does materialize (and I hope deeply it does not) but in the event that it does we want to be intentional about preparing ahead of time to identify ways to protect our community’s children.

If you are a community leader, business owner or interested individual in staying up-to-date about what needs are identified please enter your email below or reach out to me directly at

Together we have the ability to overcome any challenge we may face.

Thank you.

Chase Snider